By Hideo Shingu
Noosphere may be understood as the expression of states of mind which is the outgrowth of the living earth or biosphere according to Vladimir Vernadsky. Physics and mind are two different matters existing in rather opposite ways in nature. Two opposite things exist independently and cannot be treated as one, said Aristotle and Einstein. However, pre-Aristotle philosopher Heraclitus is known for his philosophy of “unity of opposite” Today this may be represented in physics by quantum entanglement.
Story of Entanglement Now we will seek a curious and interesting relation between physics and the mind using the Nobel prize winning example of the physical phenomena called quantum entanglement.
Elementary particles, electrons for instance, usually come in pairs of two different types: one is right-hand spinning and the other is left-hand spinning. In an ordinary situation the spinning right and left hand particles exist independently, and are called mixed.
The quantum mechanical theory which was established in the early 20th century predicted the existence of elementary particles which spin neither left nor right, and at the same time having the nature of both right and left hand spinning. Elementary particles which are in such a state are called “entangled.” The entanglement is the situation called “superposed” state of two opposite structures which is totally different from the ordinary mixed states.
If the entangled state is realized it is the same as seeing something that is black and white at the same time. Aristotle in his book of Logics wrote in such a situation logic fails and there can be no logical discussion. Einstein, by examining the theory of quantum mechanics, asserted that quantum mechanics must be an incomplete theory to predict such a “spooky state of things.” He also said some hidden addition to the quantum mechanical theory must be found before its general acceptance in physical world. His opinion was published and became very popular under the name EPR theory.
However, there were many philosophers who claimed the coincidences of opposite states and there are a number of accountsof the coincidence of two opposite situations. Pre-Aristotle Greek philosopher Heraclitus is famous for identifying the unity of opposite things. Slope uphill and slope downhill are the same, good and bad are one and the same, and so on. Ancient Hindi and Buddhist philosophy used the termAdvaya” (अद्वय) meaning “not two.”
In the world of religion, every saint was known for their words and behavior showed the examples of unity of opposite situations. .” In the Christian world, 15thcentury German priest NicolalusCusanus is famous for his principle of “coincidentia-oppositorum (the coincidence of opposites)”. Jesus must be both dead and alive when he said “Do not touch me” to Mary..18thcentury. Japanese medic Miura Baien is known for his word: unity of opposite views.
Story of Love
Now we suddenly come back to examine what is “love?” Love is the relation between oneself and others. Love starts to exist when one realizes the existence of others and starts to think about what the other party is in comparison with oneself.
If you only notice but do not care about the existence of others, you and others exist as just a mixture. But when you start to think of others in comparison with yourself and start to care about others, it is the start of love, or in the physical word the start of entanglement.
In fact in physics there exists a partial superposition or superposition in various ratios of right and left spin states. This situation may be taken as analogous to degrees of love.
When two particles in an entangled state are separated arbitrarily far away from each other, and when one of the two returns to the left spinning, the other particle instantly becomes right spinning. It is not necessary to use any communication method but the change of state is instant because these two particles are one, no matter far away they are separated.
Well, translated and interpreted in the light of quantum physics, love cannot be unrelated or separated from one or others. You do not need explicit communication to confirm love.
Turkish Imam Nasreddin Hodja serving as a judge, once said in the case of two individuals, who were appealing their claim to ownership to the same land, that both sides were right. This story is now centuries old yet still survives. Is it not unfortunate that the Nobel Prize was given to the researchers who experimentally confirmed the existence of a “spooky state” of physical in a similar situation countering Hodja’sjudgement?